Package-level declarations


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class ActivityResultLauncherSuspend<Input, Output>(val delegate: ActivityResultLauncher<Input>, val resultFlow: MutableStateFlow<Output?>) : ActivityResultLauncher<Input>
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class AndroidCodeAuthFlowFactory(useWebView: Boolean = false, webViewEpheremalSession: Boolean = false) : CodeAuthFlowFactory

Factory to create an Auth Flow on Android. There should only be a single instance of this factory.

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class IosCodeAuthFlowFactory(ephemeralBrowserSession: Boolean = false) : CodeAuthFlowFactory
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class JvmCodeAuthFlowFactory(webserverProvider: () -> Webserver = { SimpleKtorWebserver() }) : CodeAuthFlowFactory
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actual class PlatformCodeAuthFlow : CodeAuthFlow

Implements the OAuth 2.0 Code Authorization Flow. See:

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class PresentationContext : NSObject, ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProvidingProtocol
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data class UrlOpenException(val message: String?, val cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception


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fun Url.isLocalhost(): Boolean
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fun Url.openInBrowser()
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Register for activity result and return an @ActivityResultLauncherSuspend, so result can be consumed in a suspend function.